Articles for July 2014

Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is a technique used to create an optimal viewing experience for website users. This technique enables your website to adapt to any screen size, so no matter what device your website user’s have, the website will adjust giving them the same visuals as those using desktop computers. As a great deal of web traffic is today from mobile devices, it is crucial that your website is responsive to ensure it is shown to them correctly. If your business does not have a responsive website, mobile users probably have a bad experience navigating around your website and decide to look elsewhere. This has a negative affect on the amount of sale leads your website attracts, so if you do not have a responsive website you should get one. All websites designed by us are responsive by default, so you can rest assured that your visitors will have a great experience, no matter what device they use. We currently offer our web design service for just £250 for Liverpool based organisations and individuals.

Almost every client these days ask for a responsive website, as its practically essential after all, due to the amount of different devices and screen sizes used by potential customers. They realise that their website needs to look good on any device, to attract and generate sale leads. Before the invention of responsive design, businesses had to purchase both a standard website and a mobile version to help cater for all users, however this was expensive as you had to pay for two websites. Today you only need to ask your web designer to build you a responsive website, saving you a fortune.

So if you are interested in getting a new responsive website to help increase your sales, get in touch with our Liverpool based web design team today. 


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Why choose us to repair your computer or laptop

When looking for a computer repair business in Liverpool you will find lots of them, in fact their is that many of them you wont know which one to choose, unless you know what sets them apart.  Each business should have their own unique selling points which demonstrates how they stand out from the crowd. However you can’t just take their word for it you need evidence to support this, through user reviews, product portfolio, referrals from other customers etc. Here at Merseyside Computer Solutions we aim to offer an exceptional service and we have proven results to demonstrate this as can be seen from our customer reviews, our web design gallery, and most of all the amount of customers that are actually referred to us from people who have had their computer repaired by us before. So what else stands us apart from our competitors?, for one we are significantly cheaper while still providing a high quality professional service, plus we repair most computers or laptops within 24 hours. That is the quickest computer repair service in both Liverpool and Merseyside. Our computer repair service also come with a No Fix No Fee Guarantee, so you will only pay if we fix it, plus when we do repair it we only charge a fixed rate of £30.

Proven experience in computer repair and web design

Our computer repair engineers have years of experience in this field, with a university degree in computing, as well as working with many local business helping them to grow with unique software solutions and web design services. We aim to provide the best service in Merseyside and will always go out of our way to help our customers. That’s why we are flexible with our appointment times, so our clients can pick a date and time that’s best suited for them. We are based locally in the Liverpool area, so if you have a laptop or computer that needs to be repaired, get in touch with us today.

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Why your business needs a website

With over 70% of the UK population now being on-line,  it is essential that you have a business website, otherwise you will be missing out on a big opportunity to secure sales leads. In addition to this, if you get a well designed website with good SEO that effectively converts web traffic to sales leads, it will be the best and most powerful marketing tool available to promote your business. SEO will allow your website to rank higher on search engines such as Google, for keywords people use to find your business. So by implementing best SEO practises your business website will gain lots of high quality traffic, which a well designed website will turn to sales leads. SEO takes a while to take affect, so our Liverpool based web designers always advise that you work with us for at least six months, so you can see the affect. However once you get good results with SEO, you will be appearing in the natural results on search engines, so you will not be paying anything, reducing your business marketing costs. In addition to this most people now look on the internet when they require a service as opposed to local papers and directories, so it is crucial that your business is well marketed on-line. Another benefit of having a business website is that people can see it at any time, generating you sales leads even when you have finished work. So if you would like us to design a new website to help promote your business and generate high quality sales leads, give us a call today. We are based in Liverpool and our experts in all areas of digital marketing.

How much does a website cost?

Merseyside Computer Solutions are currently offering our web design service to Liverpool based businesses for just £250 which includes; SEO, a contact form with captcha technology reducing spam, a website designed to your unique requirements, social media integration, domain name and web hosting support and much more. We can also help you setup other marketing solutions as part of the service including, pay per click campaigns, social media advertisements, and general digital marketing advice. We want to help small local business to grow, so we will give you as much advice as possible to make this happen.

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LinkedIn advertising

LinkedIn is a 300 million strong social network consisting of professional people from all types of industries. Its aim is to help you build your professional identity online, stay in touch with colleagues and classmates, and network with other professionals. By doing this LinkedIn allows you to connect to other professionals around the world, making you become more productive and successful. By creating a free LinkedIn account you will gain access to a network of professionals, job insights, news, updates and much more. However to gain full advantage of this platform, you will need to look at their paid advertising solutions that will help you build your network of professionals and gain sales leads.

What are LinkedIn ads?

Unlike other forms of advertising, LinkedIn is a self service solution used to create ads that will appear on prominent pages on the LinkedIn website. By showing your ads in the right place, and to the right audience you are more likely to gain sales leads from this 300 million strong platform. If you choose to implement LinkedIn ads, you will be asked to specify your target audience by job title, industry, location, age, gender and much more. Your ads will then shown in prominent pages to the people you have chosen to target, and when they click on your ad, they will be directed to your website. Similar to other social media advertising solutions, with LinkedIn you set a budget and only pay for the click and impressions that you receive. This makes it really beneficial to small business that have a small advertising budget and would like to target professionals in their local area. For example if you develop software for companies based in Liverpool, you can configure your advertisements to be shown to marketing directors in this area.

What the advertisements look like

The advertisements on the LinkedIn platform consists of a headline, featured image, description, and the url for your business website, encouraging people to click on it. It is therefore crucial that you take the time to identify your target audience, and then create a well written advertisement that entices people to click on it and buy from your business. To help ensure you generate as many sales as possible from this social media platform, you need to ensure you are directing people to the relevant page on your website which describes the service in more detail.

How to use LinkedIn

If you are interested in using LinkedIn advertisements your Liverpool based web designer will show you how to use the system and gain maximum exposure from this. Our web designers our highly experienced in this area, and will work with you to generate as many impressions, clicks and sales leads as possible for you.


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Business Advertising using Facebook

With over 1 billion Facebook users regularly interacting with this social media platform, Facebook can be an attractive form of advertising for local businesses. Facebook ads are highly targeted, so you can choose to display your ads to people based on their location, age, gender, interests and much more. With most people using Facebook on a daily basis your advertisement will definitely be shown to your target audience, increasing your chances of securing sales. Facebook has lots of highly engaged users on both desktops and mobile devices, so if your ads are very creative, relevant and well targeted, they will gain more likes, comments, and shares giving you even more exposure. As you know if any of your Facebook fans take any of these actions, your post will then be shown to all of their fans, which could lead to a sale which wont cost you a penny extra. Facebook  ads does not tie you into a long term contract, you can actually set a weekly or monthly budget that’s best for you, so you will be in complete control of your costing. Plus you can choose the right campaign type for you, including cost per click, cost per thousand impressions and much more. So it’s well worth giving Facebook ads a try for a few months to see if it works for your business.

How Facebook ads work

If you decide to try out Facebook ads, you will need to create a business page first and then choose your advertisement goal. As Facebook ads are highly targeted and designed to meet the goals of all types of businesses, you will need to select what your overall goal of the advertising campaign is, for example driving traffic to your website, raising brand awareness, getting people to install your app, or getting more likes. The advertisement you create will then be optimised for this purpose, so if you choose cost per click, Facebook will allow you to create a call to action button, increasing the likely hood of people taking this form of action.

Building an effective campaign

As part of our Web design Liverpool service, we can help you setup your Facebook ads if this is something you are interested in. We will discuss with you the different types of campaigns available to you, and the benefits of each along with our recommendations, so you can easily make an executive decision. We will then work with you to design the advertisement, select your targeted audience and set your weekly or monthly budget. To help you monitor your results, Merseyside Computer Solutions will also show you how to use the system and its analytics’s, so you can easily work out how much of a profit your business is making.

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About our computer repair service

Is your desktop computer or laptop broken and in the need for a repair?, don’t worry Merseyside Computer Solutions can help. Our computer repair service covers the whole of the Liverpool area and we currently charge a fixed price of just £30. It includes a full diagnosis to find out what is causing the problem, and we’ll advice you if you need any parts to fix the problem and how much it will cost. If it’s not economically worth getting the computer or laptop fixed we will tell you, and we operate on a no fix no fee policy. In most cases we can tell you what’s wrong with your pc straight away, although some times we will need to carry out a full investigation first. However rest assured that our computer repair technicians will keep you informed throughout the whole process, so you know exactly what’s happening. Once we have found out what is causing the problem, we will then let you know the price of any parts including labour, and arrange a time for you to collect it.

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SEO Liverpool

Do you currently have a website, that is not generating enough traffic and sales leads for your business?. If this is true then Merseyside Computer Solutions SEO Liverpool service is the perfect solution for you. As part of our SEO service we will market your website to rank higher on search engines result pages for keywords related to your business. This means that you will show up, when potential customers are looking for the exact service you offer and are located in the area you cover. For example you may be a local plumber operating across the whole of Liverpool, so our SEO service will optimise your website so it shows up as high as possible when people search ‘plumbers Liverpool’ on search engines such as Google. By marketing your website in this way, you will generate more targeted sales leads which are more likely to result in a sale. You will need to be aware that SEO does take a while to take affect, so we do advice you work with us for at least six months. However once you get good results with SEO it is one of the cheapest and best marketing techniques available, and will generate you high quality sales leads. An SEO campaign is now an essential part of a business marketing plan, as the majority of customers now search on Google when they require a service. So if you would like help to build an effective SEO campaign for your business, contact us today and enquire about our SEO Liverpool service.

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Computer software repairs

Is your computer or laptop running slow or failing to boot up?, getting a blue screen error or does it keep crashing?, whatever issue you are experiencing Merseyside Computer Solutions have the knowledge and experience to repair your laptop or computer to your satisfaction. Our Computer repair Liverpool service not only aims to fix your computer problem, but help ensure you don’t have any recurrences of the problem again in the future. Our specialist team will diagnose and repair your computer or laptop problem to the highest possible level, and keep you informed on the progress throughout the whole process. To add further value to this service, we carry out all repairs on a no fix no fee basis and just charge a fixed price of £30 + parts. We do not have any hidden charges, and we can book you an appointment slot that’s suitable for you.  So contact us today and we will aim to repair your computer or laptop within 48 hours.

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When to replace your computer or laptop hard drive

The hard drive is an important part of your computer or laptop, without it your computer would not be able store any files nor load up Windows. To help maximise the life expectancy of your hard drive, you need to keep it well maintained, by giving it a clean-up and defrag at least once a year. It is however worth considering that Merseyside Computer Solutions can do this for you as part of our computer health check service. With a well maintained hard drive, you can get many years from it. However their are sometimes occasions were you need replace your existing hard drive, for example if if is damaged and not working, or you simply want a hard drive with a bigger storage capacity. If you would like us to do this for you, and you live in the Liverpool and Merseyside are give us a call today and book an appointment with us.

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Professional Computer Repairs across Liverpool

Merseyside Computer Solutions offer professional computer and laptop repairs across the Liverpool area at competitive prices. We are able to fix any hardware problems, remove computer viruses, re-load Windows operating system, fix blue screen errors, update your computer hardware etc, all for a fixed price. We are able to cover the whole of the Liverpool and Merseyside region including Huyton, Prescot, Whiston, St Helens, Netherton, Edgehill, Sutton Manor and Bootle. At Merseyside Computer Solutions we also offer computer health checks, so if your computer is running slow, we can get it back to normal again, and suggest other ways to improve your computers performance. If you have any computer or laptop repair questions simply give us a call or send us an email, and we will try our best to assist you.


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