Is your desktop computer or laptop broken and in the need for a repair?, don’t worry Merseyside Computer Solutions can help. Our computer repair service covers the whole of the Liverpool area and we currently charge a fixed price of just £30. It includes a full diagnosis to find out what is causing the problem, and we’ll advice you if you need any parts to fix the problem and how much it will cost. If it’s not economically worth getting the computer or laptop fixed we will tell you, and we operate on a no fix no fee policy. In most cases we can tell you what’s wrong with your pc straight away, although some times we will need to carry out a full investigation first. However rest assured that our computer repair technicians will keep you informed throughout the whole process, so you know exactly what’s happening. Once we have found out what is causing the problem, we will then let you know the price of any parts including labour, and arrange a time for you to collect it.