When looking for a computer repair business in Liverpool you will find lots of them, in fact their is that many of them you wont know which one to choose, unless you know what sets them apart. Each business should have their own unique selling points which demonstrates how they stand out from the crowd. However you can’t just take their word for it you need evidence to support this, through user reviews, product portfolio, referrals from other customers etc. Here at Merseyside Computer Solutions we aim to offer an exceptional service and we have proven results to demonstrate this as can be seen from our customer reviews, our web design gallery, and most of all the amount of customers that are actually referred to us from people who have had their computer repaired by us before. So what else stands us apart from our competitors?, for one we are significantly cheaper while still providing a high quality professional service, plus we repair most computers or laptops within 24 hours. That is the quickest computer repair service in both Liverpool and Merseyside. Our computer repair service also come with a No Fix No Fee Guarantee, so you will only pay if we fix it, plus when we do repair it we only charge a fixed rate of £30.
Proven experience in computer repair and web design
Our computer repair engineers have years of experience in this field, with a university degree in computing, as well as working with many local business helping them to grow with unique software solutions and web design services. We aim to provide the best service in Merseyside and will always go out of our way to help our customers. That’s why we are flexible with our appointment times, so our clients can pick a date and time that’s best suited for them. We are based locally in the Liverpool area, so if you have a laptop or computer that needs to be repaired, get in touch with us today.